A word of caution, the FEC compilation and summary is wrong with respect to California law. The summary does not reflect changes made with the passage of Proposition 34 in November 2000. The Fair Political Practices Commission's website has a good summa
ry of Proposition 34 provisions. www.fppc.ca.gov
"Michael Malbin" <mmalbin@mindspring.com> 10/21/2002 1:27:40 PM >>>
The following URL is to the FEC's
2000 compilation and summary of state law.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Michael Malbin
Executive Director
Campaign Finance Institute
1990 M Street NW (Suite 380)
Washington, D.C. 20036
PH: 202-969-8890
FAX: 202-969-5612
email: mmalbin@CFInst.org
web: http://www.CFInst.org
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 14:13:07 -0500 Ed Still <ed@votelaw.com> wrote:
CCH and BNA both oublish looseleaf services on
campaign finance.
Check with a large law library.
Monday, October 21, 2002, 1:28:30 PM, you
RBM> Dear Colleagues
RBM> I am looking for a comprehensive source on
state campaign finance
RBM> regulations -- can someone point in the
direction of such a source?
RBM> Thanks, Becky
RBM> Professor Rebecca B. Morton
RBM> Director of Undergraduate Studies
RBM> Department of Politics
RBM> New York University
RBM> 715 Broadway, 4th Floor
RBM> New York, NY 10003-6806
RBM> voice: 212-998-3706
RBM> fax: 212-995-4184
RBM> mailto:rebecca.morton@nyu.edu