Subject: Re: state campaign finance regulations
From: Ed Still
Date: 10/21/2002, 12:13 PM
To: "R. B. Morton" <>
CC: "" <>

CCH and BNA both oublish looseleaf services on campaign finance.
Check with a large law library.

Monday, October 21, 2002, 1:28:30 PM, you wrote:

RBM> Dear Colleagues

RBM> I am looking for a comprehensive source on state campaign finance 
RBM> regulations -- can someone point in the direction of such a source?

RBM> Thanks, Becky

RBM> ************************************************************
RBM> Professor Rebecca B. Morton
RBM> Director of Undergraduate Studies
RBM> Department of Politics
RBM> New York University
RBM> 715 Broadway, 4th Floor
RBM> New York, NY  10003-6806
RBM> voice: 212-998-3706
RBM> fax:  212-995-4184
RBM> **************************************************************
