Subject: Re: Texas Elections
From: Ed Still
Date: 10/24/2002, 10:50 AM

Yeah, let's always blame the voters.

Thursday, October 24, 2002, 10:45:47 AM, you wrote:

Jcn> Early voting has started in Texas.  In Dallas County, it was discovered that
Jcn> a number of the County's touch screen machines are miscalibrated, so that a
Jcn> voter touching the screen next to Democrat Ron Kirk actually ends up voting
Jcn> for Republican John Cornyn, and a vote for the Libertarian candidate gets
Jcn> recorded for Ron Kirk.  Election officials claim the problem is isolated;
Jcn> 18 of the 400 machines were pulled out of service on Monday and at least 3
Jcn> of these malfunctioning machines have been shut down and will not be used
Jcn> again.  Thus far, county election officials have acknowledged that there
Jcn> have been voting equipment malfunctions in 7-10 of the 24 early voting
Jcn> polling locations in Dallas County.   A lawsuit was filed over the
Jcn> malfunctioning machines Tuesday, but a hearing has been delayed as the
Jcn> parties have been meeting for two days to reach agreement on how to
Jcn> establish a process for dealing with the malfunctioning machines.  Today's
Jcn> Dallas Morning News has more on this story.  See link below.  Note the
Jcn> comment from one of the county commissioners that  "I think you will find
Jcn> that any person with any intelligence can vote accurately in Dallas County."
Jcn> Gerry Hebert

Jcn> Page at:
