Subject: message from Pam Karlan re: inverse Wellstone problem
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 10/30/2002, 1:24 PM
To: "" <>

Dear Lash,

There's a wonderful Jimmy Carter poem on the subject.



Progress Does Not Always Come Easy

                                                    As a legislator in my state
                                                   I drew up my first law to say
                                                that citizens could never vote again
                                                   after they had passed away.

                                            My fellow members faced the troubling issue
                                                  bravely, locked in hard debate
                                            on whether, after someone's death had come,
                                                 three years should be adequate

                                                 to let the family, recollecting him,
                                                 determine how a loved one may
                                                have cast a vote if he had only lived
                                                    to see the later voting day.

                                              My own neighbors warned me I had gone
                                             too far in changing what we'd always done.
                                             I lost the next campaign, and failed to carry
                                                 a single precinct with a cemetery.

                                                        - Jimmy Carter
                                              Always A Reckoning And Other Poems