Contributors are being sought to write essays for the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF
John Vile of Middle Tennessee State University jvile@mtsu.edu and David
Schultz of Hamline University dschultz@hamline.edu are the editors for
M.E. Sharpe's forthcoming ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL LIBERTIES (2004) and
they are seeking contributors to write essays for it.
The ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL LIBERTIES will be a comprehensive three volume
collection of essays examining and describing the major cases, legal
doctrines, constitutional principles, events, persons, and organizations
important to understanding civil liberties in the United States. When
completed, it will be the most comprehensive and definitive reference
book on civil liberties thus far produced in the United States for
students, colleges, and the general public. It will complement M.E.
Sharpe's 1997 three volume ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL RIGHTS.
Essays will vary in length from 500 to 3,000 words, depending on the
topic. The primary audience will be students and the general public,
but scholars, journalists, and lawyers will also find the ENCYCLOPEDIA
OF CIVIL LIBERTIES to be a useful reference. First drafts of the
essays are due March 1, 2003, with an expected 2004 publication.
At a time when civil liberties in America are again being questioned,
the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL LIBERTIES represents an important project and
a critical statement on the protection of individual rights.
A partial headword list for the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL LIBERTIES has been
posted on a password protected website. Those interested in contributing
to this volume should contact Professors Vile or Schultz for the website
address and passwords.
Potential contributors are invited to review the list on the Web. They
should inform the editors which essays they would like to write on, and
once the editors have confirmed, they will receive a contract and other
information regarding their assignment.
For more information, contact the editors at:
David Schultz, Professor,
Graduate School of Public Administration and
Hamline University
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.2987 (fax)
John Vile, Professor and Chair, Department of Political
Middle Tennessee State University
P.O. Box 29
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132
615.898.2596 (voice)
615.898.5460 (fax)
David Schultz, Professor
Hamline University
Graduate School of Public
Administration and Management
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.3098 (fax)