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Call for Papers
Special Redistricting Issue
State Politics & Policy Quarterly
I would like to invite submissions to a special redistricting issue of State
Politics & Policy Quarterly. With a few notable exceptions, the
redistricting literature focuses on the impact of redistricting on
congressional electoral outcomes. This special issue seeks to inform the
richness in state politics that is often overlooked in studies of
congressional redistricting. Submissions might, for example, address
comparative state redistricting institutions, special considerations in
state redistricting, methodological issues in analyzing state legislative
election outcomes, and case studies that make theoretical contributions to
the understanding of redistricting. These are just a few of the possible
Manuscripts should be double-spaced, not greater than 40 pages, including
tables, references, and text. Manuscripts should include an abstract of
100-150 words. SPPQ follows the APSA Style Manual for Political Science.
The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2003. Send four copies of the
manuscript, three of which having all identifying references removed for
double-blind peer review, and an electronic version of the entire paper with
identifying references removed. Word or WordPerfect formats are preferred.
Authors should include their e-mail addresses in a cover letter.
Send manuscripts and inquires to:
Dr. Michael P. McDonald
Assistant Professor
Dept of Public and International Affairs
George Mason University
4400 University Drive - MSN 3F4
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444
Office: 703-993-4191
Fax: 703-993-1399
Please see for the SPPQ policy statement and
general guidelines to contributors.