Subject: Re: voting by overseas military
From: Mike Alvarez
Date: 12/13/2002, 10:38 AM
To: Charlene Simmons

The Federal Voting Assistance Program undertook a project to provide
remote Internet registration and voting to a very small number 
of overseas citizens in the 2000 election, called the "Voting Over the
Internet" project. A report on this project is available at the FVAP

The FVAP is in the process of developing a system for the 2004
election that will provide remote Internet registration and 
voting to overseas citizens.  To date, my understanding is that
fourteen states are participants in this new project,
called the "Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment", so
there should be substantially larger numbers of participants in
this project in 2004.

R. Michael Alvarez				(O) 626-395-4422
Professor of Political Science			(F) 626-405-9841 
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125                     

On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Charlene Simmons wrote:

Does anyone know if an electronic voting system has been made available (or 
is planning to be made available) to members of the U.S. military serving 
overseas?  If not, what might be some of the practical issues involved in 
implementing such a system?

Thanks for your thoughts,

Charlene Wear Simmons
California Research Bureau