Subject: RE: query: comparative surveys on election law
From: "Mozaffar, Shaheen" <SMOZAFFAR@BRIDGEW.EDU>
Date: 3/5/2003, 4:18 PM
To: "'Adam Lioz '" <>, "'election-law '" <>


You might also try the The International Foundation for Election Systems
(IFES), which has a compendium of election laws for francophone Africa and
the British Commonwealth Office in London, which has a two-volume compendium
of election laws for anglophone countries.

Shaheen Mozaffar

-----Original Message-----
From: Fabrice Lehoucq
To: Adam Lioz; election-law
Sent: 3/5/03 6:54 PM
Subject: RE: query: comparative surveys on election law

Adam --

There is a lot, though many gaps exist in our knowledge of other
Good places to begin are:

Gary Cox, Making Votes Count.
Dieter Nohlen, several new books on election law in different areas
by Oxford UP.
Josep Colomer, The Handbook of Electoral System Design, forthcoming.

ACE has a web site and allows you to query it about lots of election
law.  You might also try IDEA in Sweden.

Best, FL

===== Original Message From "Adam Lioz" <> =====

Does anyone know of any references/resources that survey and compare
election law in the world's democracies?

Thanks for any input.


Adam Lioz
Democracy Advocate