Subject: FEC proposed rules on public financing
From: Ed Still
Date: 4/1/2003, 11:27 AM
To: election-law

The Federal Election Commission staff has proposed new rules regarding the public funding of candidates and nominating conventions.  The proposal is 163 pages long (typed).  Commissioner Toner has submitted a proposed amendment (but there was a dead link to the document when I checked it a few minutes ago).

Many of the changes are necessitated by the BCRA.  For instance, the treatment of salaries to candidates and the question of the status of the municipal committee hosting the nominating convention.  Others grow out of problems the Commission has seen with aspects of public financing.  In this category are proposals to change "winding down expenses."

An aside here: I wish the FEC would put a table of contents on these voluminous proposals and do a better job of converting the document to PDF.

Edward Still
attorney at law
300 Richard Arrington Blvd. N.
Title Bldg., Suite 710
Birmingham AL 35203
  phone 205-322-1100
  fax toll free 877-264-5513 &