Subject: Edwards returns campaign contributions
From: Ed Still
Date: 4/18/2003, 11:50 AM
To: election-law

The Washington Post reports at

The presidential campaign of Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) announced yesterday it will return $10,000 to employees of a Little Rock law firm after a law clerk said she expected her boss to reimburse her for a $2,000 donation.
Federal election laws prohibit a person from funneling donations through someone else to conceal their source. Such practices would enable the reimburser to exceed the legal contribution limit for individuals, recently raised to $2,000 from $1,000 per election.

Edward Still
attorney at law
300 Richard Arrington Blvd. N.
Title Bldg., Suite 710
Birmingham AL 35203
  phone 205-322-1100
  fax toll free 877-264-5513 &

Edward Still
attorney at law
300 Richard Arrington Blvd. N.
Title Bldg., Suite 710
Birmingham AL 35203
  phone 205-322-1100
  fax toll free 877-264-5513 &