Subject: Introduction
From: "Ryan Fitzpatrick" <>
Date: 4/25/2003, 10:42 AM

Hello everyone,

  As a new member of this listserv, I feel I should take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Ryan Fitzpatrick, and I work for the law firm of Holmes, Weddle, and Barcott, P.C. in Anchorage, Alaska. I joined the firm as a legal assistant in January, 2001 after spending three years in Washington, D.C. attending American University and working for Sen. Ted Stevens.

  My firm currently advises members of Alaska's congressional delegation regarding campaign finance law, and served as consultants for Sen. Stevens 2002 reelection campaign. I am currently engaged in monitoring election law issues that resulted from BCRA. I consider myself new to the field of election law, and am primarily interested in learning as much of the field as possible.

Ryan Fitzpatrick
Holmes, Weddle, & Barcott, P.C.
701 W. 8th Avenue, Ste. 700
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 274-0666
(907) 227-1205

Disclaimer- All posts I make are an expression of my own views, concerns, and questions, and are not the opinions of my firm or clients.

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