Subject: Contributors needed for new Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court
From: "David Schultz" <>
Date: 4/28/2003, 3:03 PM

Contributors Needed to write entries for The Encyclopedia of the Supreme

Facts On File, Inc. has asked me to serve as the editor for The
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court and I am looking for individuals to
write entries for this project.

The Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court will be a single-volume reference
book written primarily for the general public and high school/college
audiences.  Entries will be between approximately 500 to 1000 words (two
to four pages, doubled-spaced.  Some entries may be longer and some may
be shorter.

This is an excellent opportunity for all of us to speak to students and
the general public and provide to them a good understanding of the
Supreme Court, including its major cases, concepts, themes, and

A list of over 400 initial terms for the book has already been developed
and I am looking for contributors who can  write on one or several of
these terms.

Qualifications for contributors include
	&#8729;	a good knowledge of a specific area or areas of law;
	&#8729;	excellent writing skills, including the ability to write
to a general or student audience;
	&#8729;	an ability to complete the project by NO LATER THAN
SEPTEMBER 2, 2003.

Contributors will be acknowledged in The Encyclopedia of the Supreme
Court. All entries must be delivered to me in a PC compatible format and
your rights to your submission must be signed over to Facts On File,

Those interested in contributing to the project may contact me  I will then e-mail the relevant information.

This is a great opportunity for graduate students, scholars, and lawyers
to contribute to a good project.  Please feel free to pass this notice

David Schultz, Professor
Hamline University
Graduate School of Public
Administration and Management

David Schultz, Professor
Hamline University
Graduate School of Public
Administration and Management
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.3098 (fax)