List members,
Since Dan Lowenstein and I started this list in the late 1990s, the list
has grown to include over 240 law professors, political scientists and
other social scientists, government officials, activists, and others.
Historically, the amount of list messages has ebbed and flowed with
developments in election law or a particular thread (as an aside, we
used to have many more discussions on election law pedagogy---something
I would welcome again).
In recent months, particularly since I started my web log, I think
traffic has increased to the list. Dan and I were wondering if list
members had thoughts about the amount and type of content in list
messages. I have tried to be judicious and not post everything here that
is on my blog---for example, I have been blogging extensively about
judicial confirmation controversies, something not particularly germane
to the list. But I still am concerned that the amount of traffic is too
high. One thing I could do is to try to send all or most news items
(news articles, reports of symposia, etc.) in a single message in a day.
Someone who wished to respond to an item there might start a new thread
on that topic. (I would continue to send breaking election law news
separately.) Would list members prefer that I do so? Do people like the
status quo? Do list members have other thoughts about postings on the
list---the good, the bad, and the ugly? Please feel free to reply to the
list with your thoughts. If you prefer, you can reply privately to Dan
Lowenstein ( and me.