Subject: traffic to list/News of the day 10/29/03
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 4/29/2003, 9:46 PM

Dan and I have received some very interesting e-mails on the question of traffic to the list. If you haven't sent something in yet and have some thoughts, please share them soon. I'll post something sonn with a summary of the sense of list members on this topic.

One idea I had floated as a possibility was to combine all of the non-breaking news type news articles and notices into a single e-mail. It would look something like this:
News of the day 10/29/03

Previews of Georgia v. Ashcroft The Christian Science Monitor offers this report. The A.P. offers this report.

Election law symposium now online I organized a symposium that ran in 1999 in the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review on "Election Law as its Own Field of Study." The review has now posted all the articles on line at this link. Scroll down below the bankruptcy symposium.

Kentucky voting woes This article in the Lexington Herald-Leader begins: "With three weeks until the May 20 election, U.S. Rep. Ernie Fletcher asked the state's highest court yesterday to consider a legal challenge by a rival to keep him off the ballot in the Republican primary for governor." Thanks to Ed Feigenbaum for the pointer.

New article on felon disenfranchisement Alec C. Ewald has published, "Civil Death": The Ideological Paradox of Criminal Disenfranchisement Law in the United States, 2002 Wisconsin Law Review 1045. The article nicely looks at justificatons and attacks on felon disenfranchisement from a variety of theoretical perspectives.

Let us know what you think of this format.  Of course, for breaking news, like today's BCRA developments, and for more substantive posts (such as my recent post on the cert petition filed by Ken Starr) I would not use this single e-mail option.


Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax