Subject: BCRA OpEd - 1600 pgs. stems from vague doctrine
From: Spencer Overton
Date: 5/12/2003, 8:20 AM

The Legal Times
Monday, May 12, 2003


A vague Supreme Court doctrine set off the paper avalanche of the 
McCain-Feingold decision

By Spencer Overton

Finally.  Five long months after hearing arguments, a special three-judge 
court has issued a fractured decision on the McCain-Feingold campaign reform 

The confusing opinion totals more than 1,600 pages, with each judge writing 
separately.  The rough summary: U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly 
voted to uphold various McCain-Feingold provisions, D.C. Circuit Judge Karen 
LeCraft Henderson voted to invalidate them, and U.S. District Judge Richard 
Leon adopted a middle position.  Although lower courts generally handle 
factfinding, the three judgesâ disagreements prevented them from developing a 
complete factual record in this case.

Now some critics are claiming that the lower court review was a waste of time, 
and blaming personality conflicts and ideological squabbles for the decisionâs 
delay and lack of clarity.  But I blame campaign finance doctrine itself÷for 
it provides judges with too little guidance in making legal or factual 

The unwieldy doctrine has its origins in the 1976 decision of Buckley v.  
Valeo.  In that case, the U.S. Supreme Court assumed that contributing money 
to political candidates poses a significant threat of corruption, but spending 
money in support of candidates poses a minimal threat.  So the Court upheld 
limits on individualsâ electoral contributions and struck down limits on 
individualsâ electoral spending.  In part because Buckley failed to articulate 
clear legal or evidentiary standards, the Court has since issued a number of 
divided campaign finance opinions, some striking down reforms and others 
upholding them.  And now we have the lower courtâs May 2 monstrosity.

The McCain-Feingold decision teaches us much more about the unmanageability of 
the general doctrine stemming from Buckley than it does about the 
constitutionality of the current statute.  On appeal, the Supreme Court has a 
twofold task: to rule on McCain-Feingold, and to craft real guidelines for 
lower courts reviewing future reforms.


Supreme Court caselaw allows campaign finance limits to prevent ãcorruption 
and the appearance of corruption,ä but reforms that go too far in restricting 
speech are unconstitutionally ãoverbroad.ä  These abstract terms leave much 
answered.  How do judges recognize corruption÷or the appearance of corruption?
 At what point does reform infringe on so much speech that it becomes 

Consider the McCain-Feingold provision that tries to close the issue advocacy 
loophole.  The statute prohibits corporations and unions from spending money 
on television or radio spots that even refer to a federal candidate and are 
broadcast in the candidateâs district during a campaignâs final weeks.  Due to 
the lack of clear guidance from the Supreme Court, the three judges went three 
ways over whether this provision is unconstitutionally overbroad.

Judge Hendersonâs emphasis on completely unfettered expression and her 
skepticism about the corrupting influence of money led her to invalidate the 
provision.  She would err on the side of protecting speech and would allow 
Congress to regulate spending only on commercials that include terms like 
ãvote forä or ãdefeat.ä  The fact that corporations and unions could still 
influence elections by spending money on attack ads that avoid these 
triggering words would be a necessary sacrifice for free speech.

Judge Kollar-Kotellyâs emphasis on preventing corruption and closing 
regulatory loopholes÷combined with the conclusion that the ãoverwhelming 
majorityä of the restricted ads pose a threat of corruption÷led her to reject 
overbreadth claims.  She upheld the provision.

Judge Leonâs respect for Congress prevented him from adopting Hendersonâs rule 
erring on the side of protecting speech.  At the same time, his concern for 
speech prevented him from erring on the side of preventing corruption as much 
as Kollar-Kotelly.

In particular, Leon was concerned about the small percentage of speech 
prohibited by the law that is not directed at influencing federal 
elections÷apparently as much as 17 percent based on past elections÷and 
therefore does not corrupt the process.  For example, the bar on mentioning 
federal candidates would prevent corporate and union spending on ads that 
support or attack federal legislation, like Sarbanes-Oxley, that is named 
after congressional sponsors.  Consequently, Leon struck down the issue
advocacy provision as ãsubstantially overbroad.ä

Nonetheless, Leon was still sufficiently concerned about corruption to join 
with Kollar-Kotelly in upholding part of a backup provision on issue advocacy 
(provided by McCain-Feingold drafters in case the first provision did not 
stand).  The backup measure as construed by Judge Leon bars corporations and 
unions from spending money on any broadcast that ãpromotes or supportsä or 
ãattacks or opposesä a federal candidate.

The problem with the backup, however, is vagueness.  Would it prohibit 
Lockheed Martin from spending money to broadcast a nationwide ad that 
proclaims ãSupport Our Troopsä and features a picture of George W. Bush on the 
day before the 2004 election?  What about 90 days before the election?  A year 
before the election?  Tomorrow?


Even if the lower court knew how to apply concepts like ãsubstantial 
overbreadthä and ãcorruptionä consistently, crucial factfinding questions 
remain.  A lack of evidentiary standards in campaign finance doctrine means 
that factual questions too often are answered by ad hoc political assumptions, 
which then raise issues about judicial impartiality.

For example, the three judges again went three ways on the soft money 
provisions of McCain-Feingold.  Under prior law, political parties could 
collect unlimited, unregulated funds from individuals, corporations, and 
unions.  McCain-Feingold closes that loophole by banning national parties from 
collecting soft money and prohibiting state parties from spending soft money 
when a federal candidate is on the ballot.

Judge Henderson found the soft money provisions unconstitutional, Judge 
Kollar-Kotelly found them constitutional, and Judge Leonâs compromise position 
effectively serves as the decision of the court.  The division arose due to 
factual disagreements over whether soft money corrupts, which in turn stem 
from unclear evidentiary standards.

Leon ruled that the statute properly prohibits national and state parties from 
spending soft money on ads that support or oppose a federal candidate.  But he 
struck down the ban on national and state parties collecting soft money.  Leon 
stated that it was not clear that spending soft money on voter registration, 
voter mobilization, and campaign worker salaries affected federal elections 
enough to make candidates feel indebted to soft money
contributors.  Therefore, spending soft money on such activities poses an 
insufficient threat of corruption.

Kollar-Kotelly disagreed.  She said that an appearance of corruption flows 
from the collection of soft money by parties, regardless of how the money is 
spent.  Further, she cited evidence that spending on voter registration,  
mobilization, etc., benefits federal candidates and therefore carries a threat 
of actual corruption.  Kollar-Kotellyâs disagreement with Leon stems from a 
lack of evidentiary standards.

In Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC (2000), a case involving the 
constitutionality of contribution limits, the Supreme Court stated that ä[t]he 
quantum of empirical evidence needed to satisfy heightened judicial scrutiny 
of legislative judgments will vary up or down with the novelty and 
plausibility of the justification raised.ä

Well, sure, but ãnovelä to whom?  Who decides ãplausibilityä?  At what point 
along the continuum of plausibility do judges ratchet up the evidentiary 
requirements?  This standard does not confine judges to the facts and the law, 
but invites them to make factual assumptions that will support the legal 
conclusion they think is best.


The lack of both legal and evidentiary clarity is especially troubling in 
judicial review of a political issue like campaign finance.  Unlike 
legislatures, federal courts are not democratically accountable.  They lack 
political expertise, and they possess fewer comprehensive fact-finding tools.  
They cannot readily revise past decisions to respond to the unanticipated 
consequences that often stem from campaign reforms.

Further, judges, unlike legislators, are not supposed to follow their 
political inclinations.  But the Supreme Courtâs failure to give clear 
guidelines on campaign finance may leave too much room for individual 
preferences to influence judicial outcomes, thereby compromising the 
credibility of the federal bench.

Uncertainty has a constitutional cost as well.  The risks of unpredictable 
legal doctrine might discourage Congress from attempting further campaign 
reform, effectively usurping legislative authority to regulate federal 

Justice Felix Frankfurterâs warning that courts should not enter the political 
thicket without manageable tools is particularly salient in the campaign 
context.  Indeed, the key electoral doctrine of ãone person, one voteä was 
adopted precisely because it is administrable.


On appeal of McCain-Feingold, the Supreme Court should make it a point to 
craft more manageable legal and evidentiary tools that lower courts can use to 
review campaign reforms in light of core democratic values.

Let me be clear here.  The Court should not clarify by mechanically upholding 
or striking down all reforms.  While either option would simplify judicial 
review of campaign reform, both extremes result in severe democratic failures.

An absolute right of business corporations to contribute and spend unlimited, 
undisclosed amounts of money in the political process would result in laws and 
policies based on covert political auctions.  It would also reduce the 
incentives for individual citizens to participate in democracy.

Conversely, excessive regulation designed to stop up every hypothetical 
campaign finance loophole would stifle a lot of participation from a broad and 
diverse group of citizens.  Self-interested legislators, free to enact extreme 
campaign regulations, would likely entrench their own power by passing reforms 
that disadvantage challengers.

In defining the shared responsibility that courts and legislatures should 
enjoy over campaign law, the Supreme Court must devise administrable judicial 
tools that do not infringe significantly on individual autonomy or allow 
incumbent legislators to suppress electoral competition.  At the same time, 
these judicial tools should respect reforms that promote widespread citizen 
participation in the democratic process by preventing a small group from 
controlling or appearing to control government decision-making.  In devising 
clear evidentiary standards, the Court should explicitly allocate burdens and 
standards of proof and clearly describe the types of proof needed to establish 
certain propositions.

Pointing fingers at the three-judge panel for its untimely, bloated, and 
inconsistent decision in the McCain-Feingold case ignores the bigger picture: 
It is the Supreme Court, finally, that must use this case to clean up campaign 
finance doctrine.

Spencer Overton is an associate professor of law at the George Washington 
University Law School, where he specializes in election law.

Professor Spencer Overton
The George Washington University Law School
2000 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052