Subject: New Address for Webcast of Campaign Finance Symposium
From: nathaniel persily
Date: 5/15/2003, 5:26 AM
To:, "" <>, "" <>,

The webcast of today's campaign finance symposium will be available
through links provided on the Penn Law homepage -- --
and will be archived on that site thereafter.  Anyone interested in
asking a question to the panelists should email

The webcast of the symposium, described in greater detail below, will
begin at 10:30 AM.

-------- Original Message --------
The University of Pennsylvania Law School and the National Constitution
Center will be hosting a symposium on May 15 on "McConnell v. FEC:
Understanding the Decision and Its Implications."  The symposium will
feature national experts on campaign finance as well as attorneys and
experts involved in the constitutional challenges to the McCain-Feingold
campaign finance law: "The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act". The purpose
of the symposium is to bring to the attention of the  media and all
those interested in the campaign finance debate expert analysis of the
district court's recently released 1600 page opinion.  As detailed in
the schedule  below, the symposium will feature three panels of lawyers,
law professors and political scientists who will discuss the court's
decision and its implications.  The symposium is free and open to the
public and anyone interested in attending or participating should
contact Nathaniel Persily (;  215-898-0167).  The
symposium will take place in Room 245A of Silverman Hall at the
University of Pennsylvania Law School, 3400 Chestnut Street,

"McConnell v. FEC: Understanding the Decision and its Implications"

10:00-10:30 -- Reception and Opening Remarks

10:30 -12:00 -- Panel I: Understanding the Decision
Richard Briffault, Columbia Law School
Trevor Potter, Chair, The Campaign Legal Center; Former Chairman, FEC
Bob Bauer, Chair, Political Law Group, Perkins Coie

12:00 - 12:30 -- Lunch

12:30 - 2:00 -- Panel II: Critiquing the Decision
Burt Neuborne, NYU Law School; Legal Director, Brennan Center for
Daniel Ortiz, University of Virginia Law School
Nathaniel Persily, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Roy Schotland, Georgetown University Law Center
Spencer Overton, The George Washington University Law School

2:30-4:00 -- Panel III: The Political Implications of the Decision
Michael Malbin, Executive Director,  Campaign Finance Institute
Robyn Kolodny, Temple University
Jonathan Krasno, Yale University, Expert Witness for the FEC
Ray LaRaja, U. Mass. Amherst,  Expert Witness for Plaintiffs

The symposium will be available on the web at:

The panelists will answer questions emailed to 

Nathaniel Persily
Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania Law School
3400 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(o) 215-898-0167
(f) 215-573-2025