Subject: BCRA Sponsors' Jurisdictional Statement Filed in the Supreme Court
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/17/2003, 11:37 AM

  I have just seen a copy of the jurisdictional statement of Senators McCain, Feingold, Snowe, and Jeffords, and Representatives Meehan and Shays filed yesterday in the Supreme Court. (When it is posted somewhere, I'll add a link.) On the question of Judge Leon's rewriting of the backup provision on electioneering communications, I was happy to see the following at page 26: "Finally, while a decision sustaining the primary definition would obviate the point, the district court correctly sustained the back-up definition of "electioneering communications," but erred in severing the final clause of that definition. That clause -- which requires that the advertisements at issue be "suggestive of no plausible meaning other than exhortation to vote for or against a candidate for public office"--does not make the definition impermissibly vague. To the contrary, it provides an assurance that any conceivable doubt regarding application of the back-up definition will be resolved against coverage."
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax