Subject: news of the day 5/20/03
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/20/2003, 2:14 PM
To: election-law

The part of BCRA President Bush loves Back on May 4, I noted here the following: "One consequence of the raising of the [individual contribution limit from $1,000] to $2,000 . .. has been to benefit Republicans, particularly President Bush, with his record of raising lots of $1,000 donations. (He raised about $91 million in such donations when he ran in the Republican primary for the 2000 election---in $1,000 chunks or less.) Indeed, I somewhat suspected that one of the reasons President Bush, who had opposed many aspects of McCain-Feingold, signed the law was in the hope that most of it would be struck down except for the increased limits." Others are starting to pick up on this theme. See this opinion piece by Earl Ofari Huchinson.

New York City Council can repeal term limits referendum The opinion in Martin Golden v. New York City Council is here See also this article. The court stated: "The only issue to be determined on this appeal is whether a law created by a voter-initiated referendum can be amended by the New York City Council . . . without referendum. We do not consider whether such action by the City Council is moral, ethical or politically advisable." Thanks to J.J. Gass for the pointer.

Wall Street Journal article on stay It is available here.

Paying people to be a candidate for federal office See this A.P. report, which begins: "The AFL-CIO wants its members to take advantage of a government decision allowing political candidates to pay themselves salaries from their donations, hoping it will build a field of worker-friendly candidates. One Republican lawmaker from a large unionized state wants to bar the practice before anyone makes use of it." (Thanks to Jay Cooper for the pointer).

"Roe v. Wade & Bush v. Gore: Making judicial activism 'mainstream.'” Nelson Lund offers this essay at National Review Online. I give a detailed response to the essay at my blog.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax