BCRA sponsors file response to McConnell
jurisdictional statement See this
post at SCOTUSblog for details and a link to the document.
Updated A.P. report on BCRA It is
available at
this link.
BCRA oral argument in September? In A.P.'s
on the denial of the motion in the BCRA case, the article states: "The high
court could hear the case in September, before the start of its regular term,
according to a schedule being worked out by various groups and individuals
fighting and defending the law. That would probably mean a ruling just in
time for the first presidential primary in January 2004, lawyers said."
UPDATE: The government has proposed a special expedited briefing schedule,
as reprinted here
at SCOTUSblog. The proposal sets forth a few briefing and timing options for
the Court. It states that the BCRA sponsors join in the motion, and that
the government is "unable to determine whether appellants/cross-appellees
Senator Mitch McConnell, et al. (appellants in No. 02-1674) and appellants/cross-appellees
National Rifle Association, et al. (appellants in No. 02-1675) consent to
or oppose this motion. " That suggests some potential disagreement about strategy
on the plaintiffs' side of the case.
Move over ($100,000 raising) "Pioneers;"
Here Come the ($200,000 raising) "Rangers" See this
A.P. report on the newest Bush fundraising bundlers.
Public Campaign response to GAO report Public
Campaign, an organization that supports public financing of elections, has
posted this
response to the GAO report on the public financing programs in Arizona
and Maine. (I earlier linked to the GAO report here.)
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax