Subject: Re: Weighing in on the "Buying Time" Controversy
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/25/2003, 9:41 AM
To: "Bauer, Bob-WDC" <>, election-law <>

I am not sure which "conclusions" of mine Bob does not agree with.  He seems to reject allegations of fraud. He suggests that the study is bad social science, and appears to think that the Court would be better off without any empirical evidence to go on in its overbreadth analysis. Certainly he disagrees with my constitutional overbreadth analysis.

I think Bob is incorrect in claiming that the reform community has "wildly overstated" the fact that a majority of the lower court judges accepted the study. I have been critical of the reform community for other things, such as initially seeming to embrace Judge Leon's lopped off backup definition. But Bob's claim here is off the mark.  Two judges accepted that the study was valid enough to be entitled to some evidentiary weight, even if they disagreed on precisely how to interpret the study and its relevance to the constitutional inquiry.   

Trevor Potter noted last week with interest that, on the list at least, it is the Democrats' lawyers who are coming out attacking the Buying Time study, even though most Democrats in Congress supported the legislation. In other words, why the Democratic anti-Buying Time spin? Democrats have good reason to be worried that if the Court upholds the major provisions of BCRA, they will no longer be able to accept six and seven figure donations from corporations, unions, and wealthy individuals to fund "issue ads" supporting their candidates and attacking President Bush and the Republicans. I have noted earlier that BCRA, at least in the short run, is benefitting Republicans and hurting Democrats. Republicans know how to raise hard money much better than the Democrats. This is confirmed by the following news stories today, as I detail on my blog:

Liberal interest groups, President Bush, and McCain-Feingold This Washington Post article discusses strategies liberal groups plan to use to raise soft money against President Bush now that the Democratic Party cannot raise it under McCain-Feingold. In related news, Adam Clymer in the New York Times offers "Buoyed by Resurgence, G.O.P. Strives for an Era of Dominance." The article states: "With the Congress thinly divided along partisan lines, another presidential election taking shape and the rules of campaign finance in legal limbo, the two national political parties are at crucial turning points....Republicans are the most encouraged. Party officials around the country, convinced that this may be their moment, are raising the prospect of an era of Republican dominance." Finally, the A.P. reports here that "President Bush has asked more than a million potential donors to give money now for his 2004 re-election bid in a fund-raising letter that cited the fight against terrorism." UPDATE: On the same topic, see this Los Angeles Times article.

Finally, I note that Bob wrote .06% rather than 0.6% in his paragraph after the Brennan Center press release. That's a fairly significant---though surely unintentional---typo.


Bauer, Bob-WDC wrote:
 A reply to Rick, intended less to prolong the battle than to clarify the nature of the conflict:
 Rick's analysis is a careful, measured defense of the study's possible value to the debate or the litigation. I cannot agree with his conclusions, but I have no quarrel with the care and thoughfulness with which he makes his case.
 For critics of the study--and I suspect that this accounts for much of the edge to their attacks--the use of the study by its proponents have not been similarly measured or limited. Overlooking for the moment the use of the study in the Congressional debates, I note the Brennan Center press release of February 4, 2002.  This release states (my emphasis added):
            ....  the revelations in Buying Time 2000 promise to figure prominently in the upcoming House deliberations over the Shays-Meehan bill.....

        Conservative critics of reform claim that a curb on issue advertising, specifically the Snowe-Jeffords amendment to the McCain-Feingold bill, would stifle true issue advocacy. However the study found that if the Snowe-Jeffords test were applied to group advertising done in the 2000 election, only .6% of ads captured by the test would have been genuine issue ads. Use of the Snowe-Jeffords standard assures that genuine issue advocacy would escape regulation almost entirely, and that sham issue ads would require disclosure and contribution limits like all other electioneering.

Now, as we now know, none of the judges on the lower court panel would accept the .06% figure.  But of greater significance is the intersection of "academic research" and lobbying in the Brennan Center release, which has guaranteed a strong response from critics of the study.  This is not a case where  the scholarly work was done outside the field of direct political conflict. Instead, the research was commissioned for use in the Congressional debate, on the expectation that it would produce results helpful to one side of the debate; and the Brennan Center release not only makes broad claims for the results, but specifically previews its likely impact on the course of Congressional deliberation. This is not to say that the scholars involved in this research acted improperly, or without regard to what they viewed to be standards of scholarship.  Nor is this to suggest that research produced in this way for use in political debates cannot prove useful, or is necessarily impeachable on that ground alone.  I am saying, however, that it is dangerous territory, and it leaves the proponents of such projects with a high burden to establish that their lobbying/political mission did not get the better of them--and with the high risk that the outcome, if flawed, will be sharply attacked.

Finally, the "spinning" that has characterized the debate in this field has touched down like a rhetorical tornado on this dispute as well.  No doubt those claiming "fraud"--rather than keeping their denunciations focused on methodology and result--have encouraged a high-pitched response by those defending the study or its authors.  But the defense, by insisting that the lower court "majority" validated the study, are also wildly overstating their case. One judge refused to assign any evidentiary value whatever to the study; another judge assigned some, but read the results differently than the Brennan Center would have liked and voted to strike down the "primary definition"; and even Kollar-Kotelly is "troubled" by the recoding and rejects the "genuine issue ad" percentages produced by both the l998 and 2000 studies.

Even more striking is Kollar-Kotelly's declaration that the "expert testimony in this case demonstrates the subjective nature of the effort of trying to capture mental impressions of viewers, and illustrates how one person's genuine issue advertisement can be another's electioneering commercial".  This, from the judge who agrees with the supporters of the primary definition and voted to uphold it against constitutional attack.  As a general proposition, it is much more like a position of the plaintiffs than of the defendants.  It exposes the gaps between the public claims on behalf of the study, influenced by prior political commitments, and its actual significance: a gap, in other words, between political ends and academic means that cannot and should not be bridged by spin.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Hasen []
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 11:03 PM
To: Rick Hasen
Cc: election-law
Subject: Re: Weighing in on the "Buying Time" Controversy

I understand that for some readers of the list, large chunks of my post were cut off. You can find the entire post on my blog at:

Rick Hasen wrote:

Controversy has recently swirled around two studies on "sham issue advocacy" done by the Brennan Center for Justice (Buying Time 1998 and Buying Time 2000), relied upon by some of the Congressional sponsors of the BCRA (McCain-Feingold) and discussed in detail in the opinions of the three judge court.

The principal published attacks on the study have been this op-ed by George Will (originally appearing in the Washington Post and any pressure to reach a particular result.

Indeed, it was quite the opposite. The goal was to produce the best social science research possible, regardless of result. I worked closely with Craig Holman and Luke McLoughlin of the Brennan Center on understanding their data, and coding. We exchanged dozens and dozens of e-mails (most of which I think were turned over as part of the discovery in the BCRA litigation). Some of those e-mails went to my trying to understand the methodology of the 1998 study---a study led at the Brennan Center by Jon Krasno, not Craig and Luke. I believe it was my questions to Craig that led to some of the exchanges of e-mails between Craig and Josh Rosenkranz (then head of the Center) that have been used by George Will and David Tell to make it seem as though there was deliberate falsification going on.

Hardly. The issues involved coding questions (for example, what about ads that ran in numerous markets: should they be counted as "unique" advertisements if run in different markets?) and conceptual questions (how should overbreadth be measured?) I took one view (explained on pages 1789-91 of my article) and I think Craig shared that view, while others at the Brennan Center took another view. The debate was open and honest. As I can recall, most of the recoding of student responses moved responses into the category of genuine issue advocacy, leading to worse numbers from the point of view of reform. (See my extended discussion of the "Citizens for Better Medicare" advertisements run in 2000 (pages 1797-99 of my article)). In sum, I saw absolutely no bias or falsification whatsoever with Buying Time 2000. I had nothing to do with Buying Time 1998 but have no reason to believe there were such problems there either.

2. The studies do not constitute poor social science.

As the co-editor of a peer reviewed journal and as a law professor and political scientist, I have seen my share of poor social science (though, happily, I usually get to see very good social science). The Buying Time studies are good social science.

Imagine that you are back in 1998 or 2000 and you are trying to measure the following phenomenon: More and more political advertisements are being run during elections that lack express words of advocacy but appear to be intended to influence campaigns. These advertisements are currently unregulated. One political suggestion has been a "bright line" test to regulate such advertisements, by counting all advertisements as electioneering that run within a certain time period before an election, feature a clearly identified candidate for office, but lack words of express advocacy. Such a test, if adopted, might be attacked as "substantially overbroad," because it might capture advertising not intended to influence campaigns. To answer the question about how overbroad such a law might be, one would need to know what percentage of advertisements not intended to influence campaigns would be captured by the bright line test. (I call these "false positives" in my article.) Having students view the advertisements and code them as electioneering or genuine issue advocacy is a sensible way to get at this problem.

Of course, the study can be attacked. Why students? What exactly was the wording of the questions posed to the students? Judge Henderson latched on to these and other criticisms and concluded that the study lacked credibility. But the majority of judges on the BCRA court (Leon and Kollar-Kotelly) disagreed. Leon agreed the study was entitled to "some evidentiary weight" on the overbreadth question. Kollar-Kotelly offered an extended defense of the study's methodology. One can disagree on the edges, but to argue that the Buying Time 2000 study failed to follow usual principles of social science is wrongheaded.

3. Do the studies prove the constitutionality of the BCRA provisions covering "electioneering communications?"

The BCRA imposes the bright line test for two purposes, disclosure and a ban on corporate and union funded advertising (except through a separate segregated fund) for a 60 day period before the election (or 30 days before a primary).

Do the studies show that the bright line test is constitutional for both purposes, i.e., that the test is not substantially overbroad? This is the big question, and one about which I believe reasonable minds can disagree. Judge Kollar-Kotelly said it did so, and Judge Leon said it did not. Judge Henderson rejected the bright-line test without relying on the Brennan Center data.

The dispute over this question may take place on many levels.

(1) As I detail in my article, there are a number of ways of conceiving of the question of "overbreadth." Is it an empirical test? Should there be balancing? I conclude in my article (though others disagree) that Supreme Court case law establishes that "substantial overbreadth" is primarily an empirical test but that some balancing is inevitable. Thus, it would not surprise me if the Supreme Court upheld the bright line test for some purposes (such as disclosure) but not others (such as the corporate-union ban).

(2) Even accepting that substantial overbreadth is primarily an empirical test, there are different ways of conceiving the empirical measurement. (This is the "denominator" issue referred to in Tom Mann's article.) There are other questions as well, such as whether we should use the total number of unique ads, total number of airings, or total dollar amount spent on the ads to engage in the empirical inquiry.

The bottom line is that to the extent the Court views the overbreadth question as an empirical test, the Brennan Center data (and my own take on the data in the Minnesota article) are the most extensive empirical examinations of the question. There is nothing else out there. Even if the study is not perfect, it is better than the Court going on sheer intuition.

Consider the following few paragraphs from my article, discussing the Court's analysis in a case called Massachusetts v. Oakes (footnotes omitted from my article), where the Court did go with intuition alone:

The Court would do a lot worse without the Buying Time studies than it will do with it, and that is a good bottom line.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax