Subject: Bankrolling campaign to change New York City charter
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/27/2003, 2:56 PM
To: "" <>

See this fascinating article in the New York Times dealing with a proposed law to prevent New York's major from using his personal funds to bankroll a campaign to change the New York City charter to move to non-partisan city elections. (Thanks to a reader for passing this along.)

The article notes the potential First Amendment problems with such a law, but quotes some people, including a current city council member who taught at Brooklyn Law School as believing such a law would be constitutional. From the article:

I wonder whether those restrictions on elected officials holding political party posts would be upheld by the current Supreme Court. (Republican Party of Minnesota v. White allows even judges to engage in some partisan activities.) Moreover, Supreme Court's cases (such as Bellotti) have barred expenditure limitations in ballot measure campaigns where the possibility of quid pro quo corruption is absent.

The proposed law might be justified on equality grounds (the article quotes a lawyer with NYPIRG as stating: "It is a dangerous concentration of power for any one elected official or institution to be able to handpick a charter commission, predetermine proposals sent to the voters, and then bankroll those proposals with their personal wealth"), but those grounds for campaign finance regulation were rejected by the Supreme Court in Buckley.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
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