Subject: Message from Robbin Stewart re: Majors v Abell
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 5/30/2003, 9:05 PM
To: election-law

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Majors v Abell
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 23:26:34 -0400

(for listserve)
 As mentioned, I am counsel for plaintiff-appellants in this case. Ed's article gets it exactly right, and so does this from the evansville courier-post.,1626,ECP_745_1998929,00.html

Political sign case reaches Indiana Supreme Court
By JENNIFER WHITSON Courier & Press Indianapolis bureau (317) 631-xxxx or jwhitson(at)
May 30, 2003

INDIANAPOLIS - A tussle over an anonymous political yard sign in Evansville in 1998 triggered a lawsuit that reached the Indiana Supreme Court on Thursday and also could be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. (see link for rest of article.)

Also, some of the case documents are online at And I'm happy to yammer at length about this case to anyone who will listen. 
Defendants, when and if they lose, may indeed seek USSCt review.
Plaintiffs are unlikely to do so, for several reasons.
Delay times cost times unlikeliness that the court will take the case. That could change if there is an angel somewhere who would be interested in underwriting costs of such an appeal - it seems likely that there will be one or more meritorious points that could justify an appeal.
I'm glad I ceeded 5 minutes to JJ Gass of the Brennan Center. His perspective showed that the statutory issue isn't as clear cut as the state would suggest. (By the way if anybody's going to watch the video the first 5 minutes are dead air.) 



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