NRCC Disclosure Violations? Roll
Call offers "More Donors,
Less Information" (registration required), stating that the National
Republican Campaign Committee in campaign finance reports through April
failed to identify an occupation for more than 73 percent of the nearly 38,000
individual contributors listed in its month-to-month reports. Even a greater
percentage of the givers were listed without naming an employer.
The degree of nondisclosure by the NRCC has made it virtually impossible
to tease out patterns among the committee’s givers this cycle. And it has
raised suspicions among campaign finance watchdogs about whether the NRCC
may be capriciously — or even willfully — flouting the law, which requires
the committee to try to obtain basic details about its donors.
John Edwards Benefits from BCRA's Increased
Individual Contribution Limits See "A
Candidate Turns New Money Rules to His Advantage" in the New York
Times. Here are two snippets:
Mr. Edwards's success is an early signal of how the new campaign finance
law, if upheld by the Supreme Court, could greatly increase the amount of
money raised by presidential candidates and continue the influence of wealthy
special interests like trial lawyers. The new law allows donors to give $2,000
to a candidate per election, double the old limit, although it bans political
parties from accepting the unlimited donations known as soft money.
According to an analysis of Mr. Edwards's donations by the U.S. Public Interest
Research Group, one-third, or $2.46 million, came from that part of individual
donations above the old $1,000 legal limit.
With some campaigns raising much of their money through large chunks, "ordinary
Americans will see their voice drowned out in this big sea of money," said
Adam Lioz, a campaign finance analyst with the group, which has challenged
the constitutionality of the new limits.
"Battle Lines Drawn Over Colorado Redistricting
Plan" See this
article in the Boston Globe.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax