I've been trying to track down some information related to the effort
in California to recall Gov. Davis.
My understanding of the process is that once the recall petition
itself receives sufficient signatures (approximately 900,000) needed
to force the recall question itself to an election ("Shall Gray Davis
be recalled from the office of Governor?" CA Elections Code S 11320),
then a nomination process will begin.
Here's where I'm having trouble. The Election Code (S 11381) says
that "nominations of candidates to succeed the recalled officer
shall be made in the manner prescribed for nominating a candidate
to that office in a regular election." However, the only provisions I
have found in the elections code relating to nominations deal with
primaries, and in S 8000, which deals with the usual partisan nomination
process, but which explicitly states that it (S 8000) does not apply
to recall elections. What provision of the election code applies to
the nomination of candidates in a statewide office recall (and thus
what is the procedure)?
R. Michael Alvarez (O) 626-395-4422
Professor of Political Science (F) 626-405-9841
Co-Director, Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125