"Issa Recall Contributions in Question"
The North County Times offers this report.
More Speculation that the Campaign Finance
Case will Keep Justices from Retiring See this
Washington Times report, which implicitly disagrees with Howard
Bashman's comment
that "anyone who thinks that a Justice will change his or her retirement plans
because of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance case is sadly mistaken."
The New York Judicial Conduct Cases
UPDATE: The New York Times offers this report.
FEC Enforcement Hearing The Federal
Election Commission is holding a hearing today on complaints about its enforcement
procedures. See "FEC Enforcement
Process Called ‘Burdensome’" in Roll Call (registration required).
Supreme War Looms: Liberals Line Up $5.5 Million
to Battle Potential High Court Pick Roll Call offers this report
(registration required), which begins:
With the inaugural Supreme Court battle of the 21st century unofficially
under way, abortion-rights activists have stockpiled a multimillion-dollar
war chest, positioning themselves to be on air within days — or hours —
of a nomination to the highest court in the land.
Expecting a vacancy on the Supreme Court, nine abortion-rights groups have
formed a 501(c)(3) off-shoot devoted specifically to judicial issues and
initially seeded the new group with a $5.5 million down payment, according
to lead participants, including NARAL Pro-Choice America and the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America.
At the same time, groups on the right, most prominently the Committee for
Justice, are aggressively raising money for a counter-campaign that has the
tacit blessing of President Bush. On June 27 first nephew George P. Bush
will headline a small-dollar fundraiser in Washington for the Committee for
Justice, designed with an eye toward generating support for the expected Supreme
Court nomination battle among young conservative activists.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax