Campaign finance news and commentary
The Christian Science Monitor offers this editorial.
Taking a different postion, James Kilpatrick offers this
op-ed (written before Beaumont, but I only discovered it now).
is yesterday's Los Angeles Times story on Beaumont that was
not on the website until now. Roll Call does not seem to have covered
the Beaumont decision.
Will Texas Legislature go into
special session for redistricting? Jim Dedman posts a rumor along these
lines here.
E-mail down, blogger down
Last night both my e-mail and blogger were down. If you tried to send me
anything last night or this morning, try again; it did not come through.
More on Corporate First Amendment
rights and Beaumont. Readers interested in these questions might
read Adam Winkler, The Corporation in Election Law, 32 Loyola LA L.Rev. 1243
(1999), and Robert H. Sitkoff, "Corporate
Political Speech, Political Extortion, and the Competition for Corporate
Charters," 69 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1103 (2002).
Briefing page limits for BCRA briefs
to be set at June 19th Conference See the latest notation on this page from
the Supreme Court website.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax