Subject: Electoral College Opponents?
From: Steven Mulroy
Date: 6/19/2003, 12:03 PM
To: "" <>

The annual Southeast Association of American Law Schools conference is doing a panel on the Electoral College, with one speaker generally criticizing, one defending, and one (me) discussing alternative allocation methods.  We have recently lost our EC critic panelist and need to find another. The conference will be held on Amelia Island, FL (near Jacksonville) 7/20-7/26, with the panel on 7/22.  Funding would have to come from your own institution, but it looks like it will be a great conference overall.  If you know of someone, either a law prof. or otherwise, who might be interested, please let me know.

Steven J. Mulroy
Assistant Professor
University of Memphis School of Law
207 Humphreys Law School
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4494
FAX: (901) 678-5210