Circumventing contribution
limits through hiring Member of Congress's family The Los Angeles
Times tomorrow features "A
Washington Bouquet: Hire a Lawmaker's Kid; Stiffer rules are making it harder
to direct cash to a congressman. But you can still put his family on the payroll."
This is the first of two parts. Thanks to Howard Bashman for the pointer.
"Some Say Inquiry Could Lead
to Overhaul in Picking Judges" The New York Times offers this report,
which includes the following statement: "The election of judges has been a
process little understood by the public, and long sheltered from great scrutiny.
But according to the lawyers and others involved in the Brooklyn case, Justice
Garson, facing arrest on charges of accepting money and gifts from lawyers,
made his own sort of admission. Judgeships in Brooklyn, he told investigators,
could be bought from Democratic party officials, and four judges, he said,
were rumored to have done just that."
"Massachusetts Legislature Repeals Clean
Elections Law" The New York Times offers this
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax