Subject: news of the day 6/24/03
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 6/24/2003, 7:38 AM
To: election-law

Georgia v. Ashcroft: Which Supreme Court Will Blink First? The Atlanta Journal Constitution offers "Judges to Decide GOP Redistricting Challenge" about a new one person, one vote claim brought by Georgia Republicans against the Congressional redistricting. It also includes the following regarding the pending Georgia v. Ashcroft/Baker v. Purdue standoff:

Might the U.S. Supreme Court put its case off until next term, as some have suggested to me, to force the state's hand?

"'Millionaire's Amendment' Could Help Burr in Senate Race" A.P. offers this report out of North Carolina. See also this article from the Charlotte Observer.

"FCC fight helps energize Common Cause" See this oped at the Boston Globe.

Rehnquist retirement/BCRA again See this inaptly titled article from The Hill, which includes the following:

Favorite quote from the Atlantic article Seth Gitell's "The Democratic Party Suicide Bill" from the July/August Atlantic still is not posted online. I picked up a copy at the newstand. Here's may favorte quote, from Joseph Sandler, DNC counsel, though speaking in a private capacity. "[H]e calls the law 'a fascist monstrosity.' ...'It is grossly offensive...and on a fundamental level it's horrible public policy, because it emasculates the parties to the benefit of narrow-focus special interest groups. And it is a disaster for the Democrats. Other than that, it's great.'"

Beaumont oped Adam Morse writes "Still Awash in Cash: The high court's decision in FEC v. Beaumont plugs one campaign finance loophole, but others remain open" in Legal Times (registration required).

Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax