I was just about to add something to my blog about that point when I saw
you had posted this. The Court's decision in the case will be in U.S.
Reports, but the Georgia Supreme Court can always moot the remainder of
the case by saying that the Governor controls the state's litigation.
At 05:53 PM 6/26/2003 -0400, you wrote:
In addition to the many good points Rick Hasen brought up about Ashcroft,
I think that the vacate and remand, as opposed to actually reversing
outright is interesting. Based on the opinion, I don't see why the
remand was necessary. But many people thought that the Supreme Court
wanted to give the Georgia Supreme Court time to decide. By remanding,
they keep that option open.
Adam Morse
Adam H. Morse
Associate Counsel, Democracy Program
Brennan Center for Justice
161 Avenue of the Americas, 12th Fl.
New York, NY 10013-1205
fax: 212-995-4550