Subject: Georgia v. Ashcroft decided
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 6/26/2003, 7:55 AM
To: election-law

Here is the syllabus.  Links to the opinions at my blog.

No. 02–182.   Argued April 29, 2003—Decided June 26, 2003
Georgia’s 1997 State Senate districting plan is the benchmark plan for
this litigation.  That plan drew 56 districts, 11 of them with  a  total
black population of over 50%, and 10 of them with a black voting age
population  of over 50%.  The 2000 census revealed that these num-
bers had  increased  so  that  13  districts had  a  black  population  of at
least 50%, with the black voting age population exceeding 50% in 12
of  those  districts.    After the 2000 census, the Georgia General As-
sembly began redistricting the Senate once again.   It  is uncontested
that a substantial majority of Georgia’s black voters vote Democratic,
and that all elected black representatives  in  the General  Assembly
are Democrats.  The Senator who chaired the subcommittee that de-
veloped the new plan testified he believed that as a district’s black
voting age population increased beyond what was necessary to elect a
candidate,  it  would  push  the  Senate  more  toward  the  Republicans,
and  correspondingly  diminish  the  power  of  African-Americans  over-
all.  Thus, part of the Democrats’ strategy was not only to maintain
the number of majority-minority districts and increase the number of
Democratic Senate seats, but also to increase the number of so-called
“influence” districts, where black voters would be able to exert a sig-
nificant—if not decisive—force in the election process. The new plan
therefore  “unpacked”  the  most  heavily  concentrated  majority-
minority  districts  in  the  benchmark  plan,  and  created  a  number  of
new  influence  districts,  drawing  13  districts  with  a  majority-black
voting age population, 13 additional districts with a black voting age
population  of  between 30%–50%, and 4 other districts with a black
voting  age  population  of  between 25%–30%.  When the Senate
adopted the new plan, 10 of the 11 black Senators voted for  it.   The
Georgia House of Representatives passed the plan with 33 of the 34
black  Representatives  voting for it.   No Republican in either body
voted for the plan, making the votes of the black legislators necessary
for passage.  The Governor signed the Senate plan into law in 2001.
Because  Georgia  is  a  covered  jurisdiction  under  §5  of  the  Voting
Rights Act of 1965, it must submit any new  voting  “standard,  prac-
tice, or procedure” for preclearance by either  the United  States  At-
torney General  or  the District Court  for  the  District of Columbia  in
order to ensure that the change “does not have the purpose [or] effect
of denying or abridging the right to vote on account of race or color,”
42 U. S. C. §1973c.  No change should be precleared if it “would lead
to a retrogression in the position of racial minorities with respect to
their  effective  exercise  of  the  electoral  franchise.”    Beer  v.  United
States, 425 U. S. 130, 141.  In order to preclear its 2001 plan, Georgia
filed  suit  in  the  District  Court  seeking  a  declaratory  judgment  that
the plan does not violate §5.  To satisfy its burden of proving nonret-
rogression, Georgia submitted detailed evidence documenting, among
other things, the total population, total black population, black voting
age population, percentage of black registered voters, and the overall
percentage  of Democratic  votes  in  each  district;  evidence  about how
each  of  these  statistics  compared  to  the  benchmark  districts;  testi-
mony from numerous participants in the plan’s enactment that it was
designed  to  increase  black  voting  strength  throughout  the  State  as
well as to help ensure a continued Democratic majority in the Senate;
expert testimony that black and nonblack voters have equal chances
of  electing  their  preferred  candidate  when  the  black  voting  age
population  of  a district is  at 44.3%; and, in response to the United
States’  objections,  more  detailed  statistical  evidence  with  respect  to
three  proposed  Senate  districts  that the United States found  objec-
tionable—Districts 2, 12, and 26—and two districts challenged by the
intervenors—Districts 15 and 22.  The United States argued that the
plan should not be precleared because the changes to the boundaries
of Districts  2,  12,  and  26  unlawfully  reduced  black  voters’  ability  to
elect candidates of their choice.  The United States’ evidence focused
only on those three districts and was not designed to permit the court
to  assess  the plan’s overall impact.  The intervenors, four African-
Americans,  argued  that  retrogression  had  occurred  in  Districts  15
and 22, and presented proposed alternative plans and an expert re-
port critiquing the State’s expert report.  A three-judge District Court
panel held that the plan violated §5, and was therefore not entitled to
1. The District Court did not err in allowing the private litigants to
intervene.  That court found that the intervenors’ analysis of the plan
identifies interests not adequately represented by  the  existing  par-
Cite as:  539 U. S. ____ (2003) 3
ties.  Private parties may intervene in §5 actions assuming they meet
the  requirements  of  Federal  Rule  of  Civil  Procedure  24, NAACP  v.
New York, 413 U. S. 345, 365, and the District Court did not abuse its
discretion in allowing intervention in this case, see id., at 367.  Mor-
ris v. Gressette, 432 U. S. 491, 504–505, in which the Court held that
that the decision to object belongs only  to  the  Attorney General,  is
distinguished because  it  concerned  the  administrative,  not  the  judi-
cial, preclearance process.  Morris itself recognized the difference be-
tween the two.  See id., at 503–507.  Pp. 11–13.
2. The  District  Court  failed  to  consider  all  the  relevant  factors
when it examined whether Georgia’s Senate plan resulted in a retro-
gression  of  black  voters’  effective  exercise  of  the  electoral  franchise.
Pp. 11–27.
(a) Georgia’s argument that a plan should be precleared under §5
if it would satisfy §2 of the Voting Rights Act, 42 U. S. C. §1973, is
rejected.  A §2 vote dilution violation is not an independent reason to
deny §5 preclearance, because that would inevitably make §5 compli-
ance  contingent  on  §2  compliance  and  thereby  replace  §5  retrogres-
sion standards with those for §2.  Reno v. Bossier Parish School Bd.,
520  U. S.  471,  477.   Instead of showing that its plan is nondilutive
under  §2,  Georgia  must  prove  that  it  is  nonretrogressive  under  §5.
Pp. 13–15.
(b) To determine the meaning of “a retrogression in the position
of racial minorities with respect to their effective exercise of the elec-
toral franchise,” Beer, supra, at 141, the statewide plan must first be
examined as a whole: First, the diminution of a minority group’s effec-
tive exercise of the electoral franchise violates §5 only if the State can-
not show that the gains in the plan as a whole offset the loss in a par-
ticular  district.    Second,  all  of  the  relevant  circumstances  must  be
examined, such as minority voters’ ability to elect their candidate of
choice,  the  extent  of  the  minority  group’s  opportunity  to  participate
in the political process, and the feasibility of creating a nonretrogres-
sive plan.  See, e.g., Johnson v. De Grandy, 512 U. S. 997, 1011–1012,
1020–1021.  In assessing the totality of the circumstances, a minority
group’s comparative ability to elect a candidate of its choice is an im-
portant factor, but it cannot be dispositive or exclusive.  See,  e.g.,
Thornburg, 478 U. S., at 47–50.  To maximize such a group’s electoral
success,  a  State  may  choose  to  create  either  a  certain  number  of
“safe” districts in which it is highly likely that minority voters will be
able to elect the candidate of their choice, see, e.g., id., at 48–49, or a
greater number of districts in which it is likely, although perhaps not
quite as likely as under the benchmark  plan,  that  minority  voters
will  be  able  to  elect  their  candidates,  see  e.g.,  id., at 88–89
(O’CONNOR, J.,  concurring in judgment).   Section 5  does  not  dictate
that a State must pick one of these  redistricting methods  over  the
other.  Id., at 89.  In considering the other highly relevant factor in a
retrogression  inquiry—the  extent  to which a new plan changes the
minority group’s opportunity to participate in the political process—a
court must examine whether the plan adds or subtracts  “influence
districts” where minority voters may not be able to elect a candidate
of choice but can play a substantial, if not decisive, role in the elec-
toral process, cf., e.g., Johnson, supra, at 1007. In assessing these in-
fluence districts’ comparative weight, it is important to consider “the
likelihood  that  candidates  elected without  decisive  minority  support
would  be  willing  to  take  the  minority’s  interests  into  account.”
Thornburg, 478 U. S., at 100 (O’CONNOR, J., concurring in judgment).
Various studies suggest that the most effective way to maximize mi-
nority voting strength may be to create more influence or coalitional
districts.  Section 5 allows States to  risk having fewer minority rep-
resentatives  in  order  to  achieve greater overall representation of a
minority group by increasing the number of  representatives  sympa-
thetic to the interests of minority voters.  See, e.g., id., at 87–89, 99.
Another method of assessing the group’s opportunity to participate in
the political process is to examine the comparative  position  of  black
representatives’ legislative leadership, influence, and power.   See
Johnson, supra, at 1020.  Maintaining or increasing legislative posi-
tions of power for minority voters’ representatives of choice, while not
dispositive by itself, can show the lack of retrogressive effect.  And it
is also  significant, though not dispositive, whether the representa-
tives elected from the very districts created and protected by the
Voting Rights Act support the new plan. Pp. 15–21.
(c) The District Court  failed  to  consider  all  the  relevant  factors.
First,  although acknowledging the importance of assessing the
statewide plan as a whole, the court focused too narrowly on proposed
Senate Districts 2,  12,  and 26, without examining the increases in
the  black  voting  age  population  that  occurred  in  many  of  the  other
districts.  Second, the court did not consider any factor beyond black
voters’ comparative ability to elect a candidate of their choice.  It im-
properly rejected other evidence that the legislators representing the
benchmark  majority-minority  districts  support  the  plan;  that  the
plan maintains those representatives’ legislative influence; and that
Georgia  affirmatively  decided  that  the best way to maximize black
voting strength was to adopt a plan that “unpacked” the high concen-
tration of minority voters in the majority-minority districts.    In  the
face of Georgia’s evidence of nonretrogression, the United States’ only
evidence  was  that  it  would  be  more  difficult  for  minority  voters  to
elect  their  candidate  of  choice  in Districts  2,  12,  and 26.   Given the
evidence submitted in this case,  Georgia  likely  met  its  burden  of
Cite as:  539 U. S. ____ (2003) 5
showing  nonretrogression.   Section 5 gives States  the  flexibility  to
implement the type of plan that Georgia has submitted for preclear-
ance—a plan that increases the number of districts with a majority-
black voting age population, even if it means that minority voters in
some  of  those  districts  will  face  a  somewhat  reduced  opportunity  to
elect a candidate of their  choice.    Cf.  Thornburg,  supra, at 89
(O’CONNOR, J., concurring). While courts and the Justice Department
should be vigilant in ensuring that States neither reduce minority
voters’  effective  exercise  of  the  electoral  franchise  nor  discriminate
against them, the Voting Rights Act, as properly interpreted, should
encourage the transition to a society where race no  longer  matters.
Pp. 21–27.
(d) The  District  Court  is  in  a  better  position  to  reweigh  all  the
facts in the record in the first instance in light of this Court’s explica-
tion of retrogression.  P. 27.
195 F. Supp. 2d 25, vacated and remanded.
O’CONNOR, J., delivered the  opinion  of  the  Court,  in  which
REHNQUIST,  C. J.,  and  SCALIA,  KENNEDY,  and  THOMAS,  JJ.,  joined.
KENNEDY,  J.,  and  THOMAS,  J.,  filed  concurring  opinions.    SOUTER,  J.,
filed  a  dissenting  opinion,  in  which  STEVENS,  GINSBURG,  and  BREYER,
JJ., joined.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
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