Subject: Illinois cumulative voting rights bill signed into law
From: "Dan Johnson-Weinberger" <>
Date: 7/24/2003, 3:29 PM

Governor Rod Blagojevich signed HB 138 into law yesterday, permitting county boards to give cumulative voting rights in county elections that use multi-seat districts and authorizing advisory referenda initiated by citizen petition on any topic dealing with the structure of the county board.

I think this is the first legislation advancing an alternative electoral system since the late 90s when Governor George W. Bush signed a Texas bill allowing school boards to give cumulative voting rights in at-large elections (Amarillo is the largest school board to do so).

Some press on the legislation -- I mean, law -- (front page news in the Northwest Herald serving the northwest suburbs of Chicago) is here:

Also, there's an interesting legal fight brewing over San Francisco's implementation of instant runoff voting this November. Opponents of instant runoff voting, led by Mayor Willie Brown and front-runner candidate Gavin Newsom, are working every angle they can to postpone implementation. The city charter explicitly calls for using instant runoff voting this November; the city attorney issued an opinion that the city's Election Commission may hold a different voting system if instant runoff voting isn't certified for use by the Secretary of State and opponents are working to push up the drop-dead date when the Election Commission must decide as early as possible. Kevin Shelley was a supporter of Proposition A in 2002 when city voters approved instant runoff voting; as the Secretary of State, we IRV advocates are hopeful that his decisions will be friendly towards following the will of the voters.

Lots of fun legal issues between the interaction of state law, city charter and administrative certification.

I'm happy to provide more information if anyone's interested, on or off list.

Dan Johnson-Weinberger
General Counsel
Center for Voting and Democracy

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