California Supreme Court expected
to decide on Thursday whether to grant review on five recall-related writs
The final brief in the Davis v. Shelley writ is due at 9 am Thursday
morning. Dan Weintraub here
quotes a California Supreme Court spokesperson as saying that before the close
of business tomorrow the court "will issue orders either denying review or
taking up the cases. If the court decides to take up one or more of the cases,
the justices will call for additional briefing and hold oral arguments before
issuing an opinion." The cases to watch: Davis's (over punch card voting
and consolidation of polling places) and Burton's (over the rules for nominations).
Recall litigation news and
commentary The Los Angeles Times offers "Courtroom
Challenges Stand in Recall Path" (mentioning this blog). A.P. offers
say combining polling places a long-accepted practice." The Sacramento
Bee offers "Civil
rights group joins legal fight against recall," noting yet another lawsuit
filed (this one on Voting Rights Act issues). The San Francisco Chronicle
offers "The
tough issues before the supreme court; Justices must act quickly, with election
8 weeks away."
"Less Power, More Influence" Professor
Rick Pildes wrote this oped
on Georgia v. Aschroft in Saturday's New York Times.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax