Recall decisions soon?
A reporter tells me that he heard from the California Supreme Court that
a decision whether to grant or deny review on the recall writs will come
"early afternoon."
Oped on Georgia v. Ashcroft
Luke McLouglin published "Swing Voter: O'Connor's Redistricting Ruling Gives
Politicians Room to Succeed or Fail" in the July 22, 2003 Los Angeles
Daily Journal (no link currently available).
McCain-Feingold news and commentary
CNN offers "White
House Outlines Defense of Campaign Finance Arguments." FEC Commmissioner
Michael E. Toner offers this
oped in the Boston Globe on the funding of party conventions.
ACLU files another punch card
suit in recall See this
A.P. report.
A Davis resignation would not scuttle
the recall I blogged about this in June here,
explaining why this is so---but many people still ask the question. Now that
the election is certified, I don't see how anyone can argue that the petition
is not yet filed under the rules of Elections Code 11302. The recall goes
forward. If Davis resigns now, Bustamante is governor and would remain governor
if a majority vote no on the recall. If a majority vote yes, Bustamante would
be replaced by whoever is a successor in part 2. And I don't think anything
would prevent Bustamante himself from running in part 2.
Professor Rick Hasen
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
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