Subject: news of the day 8/18/03
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 8/18/2003, 11:13 AM
To: "" <>

"Nonpartisan in New York: Plan emerges" The New York Times offers this report. Thanks to Luke McLoughlin for the pointer.
New article on voting rights for people with disabilities Professor Michael Waterstone of the University of Mississippi law school has just published "Constitutional and Statutory Voting Rights for People with Disabilities," 14 Stanford Law and Policy Review 353 (2003). This is a very interesting paper that provides a good overview of the complex statutory and constitutional landscape for evaluating the intersection of election law and disability law.
My oped on five ways to fix the recall process next time The Daily Journal has published my oped on this topic (giving it a terrible title). You can access a copy of it here.

Hearing on ACLU TRO request at 1:30 today before Judge Wilson More details as they become available.

George Skelton column See here from today's Los Angeles Times.

"Where Parties Select Judges, Donor List Is a Court Roll Call" See this New York Times article.

Ted Costa's papers in the ACLU suit I have now received a pdf file of recall proponent Ted Costa's amicus brief in the ACLU case. Unlike the state's brief, the Costa brief does take the ACLU on on the merits. I've also seen the ACLU's reply that is being filed today. I think the ACLU has the stronger of the arguments on the merits of the equal protection and punch card claims, for reasons I've set forth earlier.

There was one tidbit in the Costa brief introduction that really caught my eye:

Suppose the district court accepts both the ACLU's argument and Costa's point. Does this not mean that the election should be postponed beyond March, until the voting technology is substantially of equal validity across California jurisdictions?

Professor Rick Hasen
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-0019
(213)736-1466 - voice
(213)380-3769 - fax