Decision expected today in
ACLU punch card recall voting case Judge Wilson noted at the Monday hearing
that he hoped to rule today in the suit. (Disclosure: I filed two amicus
letters supporting the plaintiffs in this case.)
"L.A. County Braces for Higher
Voter Turnout" The Los Angeles Times offers this
"RECALL REVIEW: Justice Department
still assessing Monterey County's consolidation of precincts" This
report from the Monterey Herald confirms what I had suspected:
the Justice Department's decision to preclear the recall rules does not mean
that the recall election will go forward on October 7 as scheduled. Additional
preclearance must first come from DOJ. See also this
A.P. report.
Mickey Kaus on competing recall
reform plans Kaus contrasts Bruce Cain's recommendations
and my
recommendations for fixing the recall process next time here.
"Analysis: Playing hardball
on 'soft' money" UPI offers this report.
BCRA (McCain-Feingold) Reply
Briefs Due Tomorrow Tomorrow the final set of briefs are due in the United
States Supreme Court. These are plaintiffs' reply briefs. Oral argument
is set for September 8. (Disclosure: I filed an amicus brief supporting defendants
in the case.)
"Voting Study Leader Admits
Conflict of Interest" The Atlanta Journal-Constitution offers
this report,
which begins: "A Johns Hopkins University researcher acknowledged Tuesday
that he had a financial stake in a competitor when he co-authored a study
declaring Georgia's touch-screen voting system 'fundamentally flawed.'" Thanks
to Howard Bashman for the pointer via e-mail.
"Pasadena City Council Rejects
Instant Runoff" The Pasadena Star-News offers this
Gubernatorial candidate responds to my
suggestions to change rules for recall next time See Mark Valdez's blog
post here.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax