Campaign finance recall news
See this
Los Angeles Times report. See also this
Sacramento Bee report .
California recall forum
I will be speaking along with William Bagley, Art Torres (Ca. Dem. party
chair), Duff Sundheim (Ca Rep. party chair) and David Iverson at the Commonwealth
Club (San Francisco) tomorrow at noon. (Details here.)
KQED television in San Francisco is supposed to broadcast a tape of the
forum some tome next week.
Justice department grants preclearance
of additional voting changes, but consolidation issues in Monterey county
remain See this
Sacramento Bee report.
"Democrats' hard money blues"
The Washington Times offers this report.
Legal Times Preview
of BCRA case It is available here.
Blogging from BCRA argument
If all goes according to plan, I will be attending oral argument at the Supreme
Court on Monday. I hope to blog about the first half of the argument during
the lunch break (approximately noon eastern time) and about the second half
of argument after it wraps up (approximately 3:30 eastern time).
Supreme Court to release oral
argument audio from BCRA case right after argument C-SPAN plans to broadcast
it, beginning around 3:45 eastern time Monday. See here
(link via How Appealing
(welcome back Howard!)).
Roll Call campaign finance
articles Monday's edition featured "Legal Defense
Funds Not Subject To New Campaign Law, FEC Rules" and "FEC to Examine
Rules for Mailing Lists." There is also this profile
of California Democratic party operative Bob Mulholland in the new "Players"
column. All Roll Call articles, unfortunately, require a paid subscription
to access.
"Court prepares for case on
campaign finance law" The Hill offers this report.
"One of Texas 11 Seeks an Exit Plan"
The Washington Post offers this
posted by R
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax