We've gotten quite a few requests for copies of the briefs filed on August 29 in Vieth v. Jubelirer, which will be the U.S. Supreme Court's first partisan-gerrymandering case since Davis v. Bandemer in 1986. We've set up a Web page with links to the Supreme Court filings, including our August 29 merits brief, the appendices, and the ten amicus briefs that were filed last week. Each document is in .pdf format. When we get the appellees' merits briefs in October, we'll post them as well. Here's the link: http://www.jenner.com/news/news.asp#772.
If you have any questions about the case, my contact info is listed below.
Sam Hirsch
Jenner & Block, LLC
601 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 639-6000 main number
(202) 637-6397 direct line
(202) 639-6066 facsimile