Jenner & Block, appellants' counsel in Vieth v. Jubelirer,
have posted on their website most of the Supreme Court filings in the
case. This is the Pennsylvania political gerrymandering case, in
which the Supreme Court will presumably elucidate how Davis v.
Bandemer is meant to be applied. The Jenner site includes,
among other things, the joint appendix, appellants' brief, and 10
amicus briefs that were filed last Friday (including one from the
Brennan Center and the ACLU). Jenner promises to post the
appellees' briefs and other documents as they become available.
The site is
J. J. Gass
Associate Counsel, Democracy Program
Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
161 Avenue of the Americas, 12th Floor
fax 212-995-4550