McCain-Feingold news and commentary
See this
Virginian-Pilot editorial; A.P's "McCain-Feingold
Provision Could Help Feingold Next Year;" this
oped by Lance Olson and Chuck Bell (lawyers for the California parties
in the lawsuit); this
oped by Robin Blumner; this
oped by Valle Simms Dutcher; this
editorial in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution; and this oped
by Walter Mondale.
"Vote Boils Down to---Where's
Waldo?" Tony Quinn offers these
recall-related thoughts. On a similar note, see this
Condorblog post.
More on faxing ballots in the
recall--can the next lawsuit be far behind? See this Contra Costa
Times report. See also this
San Jose Mercury News report.
McCain-Feingold symposium in
University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law The
symposium in Volume 6, Number 1 of the journal is online here
and features contributions (in the order of appearance) by: Nate Persily,
Richard Briffault, Trevor Potter, Bob Bauer, Burt Neuborne, Dan Ortiz, Spencer
Overton, and Robin Kolodny. The same issue also features an article by William
McEveran (accessible here)
on the right to engage in anonymous campaign speech.
"Doria ruling sets primaries apart from
campaign finance law" See this report, with important campaign finance news out of New Jersey.
(Thanks to Ed Feigenbaum for the pointer.)
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax