Having received a Welcome message from the list-serv, I'll follow the welcome message's advice and introduce myself.
I'm a 2000 graduate from Mercer University School of Law in Macon, Georgia. I practice at a 20 person firm in Macon where I try to do some political consulting and maintain a small election law practice, in addition to the transactional/business litigation practice I'm slowly building. My law school didn't have a course in Election Law, but I was able to do some individual study through a practicuum. Poltics and Election Law are more passion than serious money making business venture. I'd love to get an adjunct position at Mercer and teach a course in the subject.
I no doubt will feel quite mentally inferior reading y'alls (that southern for you all - plural) posts. I sure love the subject and will try to contribute when I can offer something meaningful.
In the meantime, I (like most of you probably) am off to finish off Ted Costa's brief and then tune into C-SPAN.
Erick-Woods Erickson
Sell & Melton, L.L.P.
Attorneys At Law
577 Mulberry Street, Ste. 1400
Macon, Georgia 31202-0229
o: (478) 746-8521
f: (478) 745-6426