Subject: Illinois federal court upholds restrictions on absentee voting
From: "" <>
Date: 9/25/2003, 11:09 AM

A US District Court in Chicago, Illinois rejected the
plaintiffs in Griffin v Roupas on Sep. 19.  The case
argued that absentee voting should be expanded. 
Currently no one can vote absentee in Illinois unless
they are out of their home county on election day, or
have a physical incapacity, or have a religious
holiday on election day, or are a government official.
 case no. 02-c-5270.  I haven't seen the 15-page
decision.  The case was filed by some plaintiffs who
work long hours and have a long commute, but the
commute doesn't cross county lines.  If anyone has
this in electronic form, I would appreciate getting
it.  Thank you.

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