Subject: Re: Early Voting
From: Mike Alvarez
Date: 9/25/2003, 2:17 PM
To: Erick-Woods Erickson

I know you asked for law review articles, but there are a few
articles in the political science literature on early voting:

Robert Stein, "Early Voting", Public Opinion Quarterly, 62, 57-70,

Robert Stein and Patricia Garcia-Money, "Voting Early, But Not Often",
Social Science Quarterly, 78, 657-677, 1997.

Lilliard E. Richardson and Grant W. Neeley, "The Impact of
Early Voting on Turnout:  The 1994 Elections in Tennessee",
State and Local Government Review, 28, 173-179, 1996.

R. Michael Alvarez				(O) 626-395-4422
Professor of Political Science			(F) 626-405-9841 
Co-Director, Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125                     

On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Erick-Woods Erickson wrote:

Can anyone reference me to a good law review article, case, etc. on the pros and cons of early voting -- not absentee early voting, but allowing any voter for any reason to vote prior to the scheduled election day.
Erick-Woods Erickson 

Sell & Melton, L.L.P. 
Attorneys At Law 
577 Mulberry Street, Ste. 1400 
Macon, Georgia 31202-0229 

o: (478) 746-8521 
f:  (478) 745-6426