Subject: recall analysis/news of the day 10/3/03 |
From: Rick Hasen |
Date: 10/3/2003, 7:43 AM |
To: election-law |
In this Wednesday
post, I stated that it might be rational for Democrats to encourage Bustamante
to leave the race (though I offered some counterarguments to that position).
Some Democrats have now started encouraging Bustamante to do just that.
(See here.)
If today's
Field Poll is to be believed, such a move may not be enough help Davis:
To test this hypothesis, this question was included in the current survey: Suppose Governor Davis had been allowed to run as a candidate in the replacement election and that Lt. Governor Bustamante had not run. If all other candidates were the same, who would you have voted for?”
In the final polling period Schwarzenegger led Davis 36% to 30% in this situation. In the early September 25-28 polling period Davis appeared to have a slim lead over the actor (33% to 30%) in this hypothetical scenario.
The Sacramento Bee offers this
report, which begins: "In a brief decision issued Thursday, the 9th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals turned down an argument that only Lt. Gov.
Cruz Bustamante can succeed Gov. Gray Davis if the governor is recalled."
The article notes that the same three-judge panel that decided the earlier
punch card suit decided this suit. (Note that this panel is one of two panels
set up by the court to hear emergency motions during the month of September.)
I know nothing about who brought this litigation, and I have not seen this
opinion. If anyone has information on this case, please let me know.
The Sacramento Bee offers this
The Los Angeles Times offers this
The Lawrence (Kansas) Journal-World offers this report.
UPDATE: Eugene Volokh responds via e-mail:
-- Rick Hasen Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow Loyola Law School 919 South Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-1211 (213)736-1466 (213)380-3769 - fax