Serge Noiret wrote:
Dear members of the list,
I always was silent but I followed the often very interesting debates and information offered.
I have studied -and continue to do so- the history of campaigning (late XIXth-XXth centuries) in Europe (Italy is my battle-field and I have published in Italian, not in English).
For the next international conference of the SISE the Italian society for electoral studies, [], in Venice, December this year, I have to present a paper on such argument and I was wondering if interested people in the list could suggest me some complementary readings (articles and books) about history of electoral campaigns in the US and in other countries that I may be not aware of; hopefully they would have to deal with more then one campaign and describe more generally what a campaign is/was and may have evolved on the long run. Interdisciplinary approaches are most welcome.
What I'm interested on, are not party politics and electoral results as such but the way the campaign are organized (Ostrogorsky's book about US-UK campaigns in the XIXTh century is crucial in describing such activities), the role of the media from the manifesto to internet, party members and common people activities during the pre-election phase (the campaign) and during the election day. I'm also very interested on all the laws which were introduced to rule the campaign activities before and during the election day and especially if somebody has worked on a systematic basis about the history of legislation in the field.
Of course I could be more precise if somebody of you is interested in discussing a little bit more the argument.
Thank you very much in advance,
Serge Noiret (Ph.D.)
European University Institute, Badia Fiesolana, Via dei Roccettini 9 ~ 50016 SAN DOMENICO (FI) - Italia
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