Subject: Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court/ A final shameless beg for authors
From: "David Schultz" <>
Date: 10/15/2003, 11:33 AM

I am in the last stages of editing  the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SUPREME
COURT for Facts on File, Inc.   I have about 95 orphaned essays in need
of authors.  I have enclosed the list of unassigned terms below along
with the word counts for each essay.

The writing of these essays is fun and easy, giving you both a fast
cite on your vita and an opportunity to contribute to a project aimed at
high school and college students and the general public.  This is also a
great opportunity for graduate students to get credit for a

If you are interested in writing on any of these essays, let me know
ASAP.  Tell me what you would like to write on and I will confirm and
then send style information etc.  I would need your essays back by
December 3!

Essays will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.

Thank you!

Abstention	500
Actual Innocence	1000
Alienage	500
Application of the Constitution overseas	500
Arlington Heights v. Metro Housing Development Corporation	500
Burson v. Freman	500
Case or Controversy	500
Certification	500
City of Richmond v. Croson	500
Colegrove v. Green	500
Communists, right of	1000
Corporate Speech	750
Counsel, Right to	750
Coyle v. Smith	500
Due Process of Law	1000
EEOC v. Arabian American Oil Company	500
Equal Protection Clause	1000
Ex parte McCardle	500
Fairness doctrine	500
Fletcher v. Peck	500
Good News Club v. Milford Central School	500
Habeas Corpus	500
Harmelin v. Michigan	500
Hodgson v. Minnesota	500
In re Debs	500
Income Tax (constitutionality)	500
Incorporation Doctrine	1000
International Society for Krishna Consciousness v. Lee	500
Interstate Commerce Commission	500
Jim Crow Laws	500
Justiciability	500
Labor Union Rights	1000
Legal Services Corporation v. Valasquez	500
Liability of local governments	750
Liability of public officials	750
Military Registration	750
Minors, rights of (in criminal proceedings)	750
Music Censorship	750
Muskrat v. United States	500
National Endowment of the Arts v. Finley	500
Overbreadth Doctrine	500
Overturning Surpeme Court Opinions	1000
Payne v. Tennessee	500
Poe v. Ullman	500
Police Power	500
Precedent	500
Preemption	500
Preemptory Challenges	750
Prior Restraint	500
Privileges or Immunities and Privileges and Immunities clauses	750
Proportionality and Sentencing	1000
Public Trials (right to and when,and media access)	750
Pure Speech	1000
Race and Jury Selection	1000
Race and the Constitution	1000
Racial Discrimination	1000
Rankin v. McPherson	500
Rational Basis test	750
Richardson v. McKnight	500
RICO (RICO aand abortion or crime)	750
Right to Counsel	750
Right to Vote	750
Rights of Minors	750
Ripeness	500
Rostker v. Goldberg	500
Schlup v. Delo	500
Segregation	1000
Sexual Discrimination	750
Shapiro v. Thompson (right to interstate travel)	750
Sovereign Immunity	1000
Standing	750
State Action	750
Strict Scrutiny	1000
Student Activity Fees	500
Student Rights	1000
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education	500
Taft, William Howard	1000
Tax and Spend	750
Taxpayer suits	500
Title IX	750
Toyota Motors v. Williams	500
Unenumerated Rights	750
Unions and Union Rights	1000
United States v. Fordice	500
United States v. National Treasury Employees Union	500
United States v. O'Hagen	500
United States v. Schechter Poultry	500
United Steel Workers v. Weber	500
Voting Rights (including right to vote, write-in votes etc.)	1000
Voting Rights Act	750
Ward v. Rock Against Racism	500
Washington v. Davis	500
Weeks v. United States	500
Welfare	750
West Coast Hotel v. Parrish	500




































David Schultz, Professor
Hamline University
Graduate School of Public
Administration and Management
1536 Hewitt Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
651.523.2858 (voice)
651.523.3098 (fax)