Subject: RE: Winner in the 2000 Presidential Election
From: "Steven Hertzberg" <>
Date: 11/14/2003, 10:33 AM

The National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago
recounted the 178,000 ballots from Florida 2000 and found that approximately
108,000 of these ballots cast represented a vote for Gore, with the
remainder mostly for Bush.  If the ballots had been counted prior to
election certification, Gore would have easily carried Florida.  

Further, NORC's analysis does not include the 91,000 voters who were
incorrectly purged from the voter registration database prior to the
election by Jeb Bush and Secretary of State Kathleen Harris' offices.  If my
memory serves me correctly, I believe that 54% of those purged were African

Nor does the analysis include the ballots from Gadsden County, where the
optical scanning ballot readers were not configured in accordance with
standard election procedures, allowing ballots that were incorrectly filled
out to be accepted by the machine.  Gadsden County is mostly African
American and neighbors a primarily non-African American community (Leon
County) where the same optical scanners were correctly configured.  The
result was that Gadsden County voters saw a ballot spoilage rate
approximately 20 times higher the Leon County voters.

Bobby, the best source for information - other than Greg Palast, NORC and
the Caltech Voting Project - is the June 2001 report by the US Commission on
Civil Rights.

Steven Hertzberg  
Votewatch, a nonprofit Corporation
San Francisco, California 94123
Your Eye on Elections  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: Winner in the 2000 Presidential Election

See the Nov. 12, 2001 NY Times.  Yes, if all the votes in the state,
overvotes as well as undervotes, had been counted, Gore would have won.
This is because approximately 7,000 poorly-informed Gore voters both voted
for him the regular way, and wrote him in as well.  Florida law for a
century had been that the intent of the voter controls.  By contrast, only
about 3,000 poorly-informed Bush voters made the same error.
 No one in Gore's legal team thought to ask for a recount of the overvotes,
so this wasn't discovered until the news consortium counted them.

--- wrote:
    I recently read, or better put, I recently think I read, that 
Vice-President Gore would have carried Florida if a statewide recount 
had taken place. Is this correct?  If not, please let me know whether 
there is a final consensus on the winner of the 2000 Presidential 
Sources would help also.  


Professor Robert Justin Lipkin
Widener University School of Law

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