Subject: one mystery solved
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 11/16/2003, 3:44 PM
To: election-law

One mystery solved

Following up on this post, Laura Elms and Samantha Luks have an explanation for the 0 turnout results in Alameda and Plumas counties (Kern's figures are not available on their website). It is not a conspiracy but rather incompetence in geting information from the county to the Secretary of State. They report that if you download the precincts file from this link on the Alameda County site, there are figures showing undervotes and overvotes showing a 0.8% residual vote rate (most undervotes, but a few overvotes). Similarly, from this link, Elms and Luks calculated a 1.1% residual vote rate in Plumas.

We'll have to wait to hear from the Kern officials when they open for business tomorrow.

Of course, though this solves one mystery, it leaves open the questions of other disparities, such as the nearly double residual vote rate for Los Angeles County compared to the statewide average (which of course would be much lower if we took Los Angeles out of that average).
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax