Subject: news of the day 11/20/03
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 11/20/2003, 7:46 AM
To: election-law

Important Report on Security of Electronic (DRE) Voting Machines

The Congressional Research Services has published this report, "Election Reform and Electronic Voting Systems (DREs): Analysis of Security Issues." (Link via >From the executive summary:

"Internet Voting Stirs Debate in Michigan"

A.P. offers this report.

Campaign Finance Coverage

The New York Times offers A Hard Road for Democrats in a Day of No 'Soft Money.' The Boston Globe offers A Push to Rescue Campaign Finance. Roll Call offers FEC to Rule on Travel (paid registration required). AP offers Rivals Benefit from '04 Candidates Who Skip Public Funds.

"GOP Eyes Democrats' Soft Money Lead"

The Washington Times offers this report. Thanks to Nate Persily for the pointer.

Vieth Briefing Complete

Plaintiffs today filed this reply brief in the important partisan gerrymandering case to be heard by the Supreme Court on December 10.

I have read the other briefs in this case and look forward to reading this one. In coming days I'll be offering some commentary about the case.

Tova Wang on voting reform and elections issues

Wang, of the Century Foundation, has written some interesting articles that you can find here, here, here, and here (the last one is a co-authored report, "The Help America Vote Act: Impact and Potential for New York").
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax