Subject: news of the day 11/26/03
From: Rick Hasen
Date: 11/26/2003, 5:51 AM
To: election-law

BCRA---Calm Before the Storm?

The Supreme Court is back in session on Monday, and the next chance that they could issue the opinion in the BCRA (McCain-Feingold) campaign finance case is Tuesday, December 2. My prediction had been a decision between mid-October and November, and that is about to be proven wrong. Some are betting on a December 15 decision, the last date that the Court is in session before a month-long break, and about a month before the first primary (meaning just when the electioneering communications provisions of BCRA kick in, requiring disclosure and the use of separate segregated funds by unions and corporations for broadcast spending that mentions a candidate and is targeted at the relevant electorate). Stay tuned.

"Officials Vow to Fix Voter Problems Before 2004"

FOXNews offers this report. Of course, we know that many of the problems cannot be fixed by 2004. In Illinois, for example, punch cards will be used in 2004; under a recent settlement of a lawsuit challenging the use of the cards, the state agreed to eliminate them, but not in time for the next election. Indeed, Democrats almost passed legislation allowing a "dimpled chad" to count as a vote in a punch card recount---the legislation was blocked by Republicans, though it passed in the Illinois lower house as part of a bill that would have allowed President Bush's name to appear on the ballot despite the late date of the Republican convention.

So despite the optimistic "vow" in the title of this article, I know of no one who believes the serious problems will be eliminated in 2004. Instead, we must rely on the election officials' prayer that the election not be close.

Tokaji's take on DRE/disability issue

Law professor Dan Tokaji sends along the following thoughts regarding potential disability rights issues related to the DRE paper trail issue:

Thanks for writing.

NPR Election Law Stories

All Things Considered featured this audio report, "Jury Holds Inquest into DeLay's PAC." Day to Day featured "Ex-Cons Fight for Right to Vote."

"McCain-Feingold Hurts Dems on Medicare Bill"

The Hill offers this report.

"Dems in Texas Face Racial Rift Over New Map"

The Hill offers this report.
Rick Hasen
Professor of Law and William M. Rains Fellow
Loyola Law School
919 South Albany Street
Los Angeles, CA  90015-1211
(213)380-3769 - fax